Friday, October 24, 2008

Bro. Ivan Galarosa Visits Toronto

(Sitting L-R) Bro. Rody Kua, Bro. Ivan Galarosa & Bro. Ervin Aspiras
(Standing L-R) Bro. Johnny Chua, Bro. Edwin Chua & Bro. Dan de Juan.

FilCan Cabletow President, Bro. Ervin Aspiras is shown pinning the the lapel pin with Square & Compass logo over the Maple Leaf on the guest of the evening, Bro. Ivan Galarosa. While Bro. Rody Kua, Bro. Edwin Chua
& Bro. Dan de Juan
looked on.


Bro. Ivan R. Galarosa who is a member of Quezon City Lodge No. 122 under the Grand Lodge of the Philippines was in Canada to attend a "Train-the-Trainer's" course in Belleville, Ontario, from October 4-11, 2008.

In spite of his hectic schedule, he found time to break bread with some members of the Filipino-Canadian Cabletow Service Club who treated him to dinner last Oct. 10, 2008 led by its President, Bro. Ervin Aspiras, its Secretary, Bro. Johnny Chua, Bro. Dan de Juan, Bro. Rody Kua, and Bro. Edwin Chua.

Bro. Galarosa, just like the FilCan President, is a Senior DeMolay and a member of A. Mabini Chapter.


Here's what Bro. Ivan has to say when he thanked Bro. Jonathan Modo, also a Senior DeMolay and Past President of FilCan Cabletow for posting pictures in the PinoyMason yahoogroup.

Double-Brod Jonathan,

Thank you very much for posting the photos! Please extend my appreciation
to Kuya Ervin as well. I showed the same photos to some of my friends, and they all asked one thing - "Matagal mo na ba silang kakilala? Mukha kasing nag-reunion kayo." They were surprised to learn that it was my first time to meet the brethren of Toronto, but then again, I think that's all part of the response to the question "How do Masons meet?". Maraming salamat ulit!

Warm fraternal regards,

Bro. Ivan Galarosa
A. Mabini Chapter (DeMolay)

Quezon City Lodge #122 (GLP)

++++++++++A Posting made in the PinoyMasons++++++++++

Thank you, Fil-Can Cabletow Service Club!

I would like to post this shout out to the brethren of the Fil-Can Cabletow Service Club based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I cannot express how delighted I was with the warmth of brotherhood that they have afforded me in my short stay in the Province of Ontario. The Club is headed by its President, Bro. Ervin Aspiras (also a brother DeMolay), and was also represented by Bros. Johnny Chua (equipped with his superb driving skills), Rody Kua, Dan de Juan and Edwin Chua, who all treated me out to dinner and had a lengthy chat about our most favorite topic of conversation - Freemasonry. They also presented me with a lapel pin depicting a red maple leaf with the square and compasses, something that I would treasure forever.

Maraming salamat po sa inyong lahat mga kapatid!

Bro. Ivan R. Galarosa
Quezon City Lodge No. 122


++++++++++ Ivan's e-mail to Bro. Johnny Chua ++++++++++

VW Johnny,

I can't express how thankful I am for the great experience that you and the other brethren in my one night stay in Toronto. I will forever have that night in my memory with the hope that I could somehow return the kind gesture to each and everyone of you. Please extend my regards to Bros. Ervin, Rody, Edwin and Dan, and to the rest of the Fil-Can Masons.


Bro. Ivan R. Galarosa
Quezon City Lodge No. 122, MW Grand Lodge of the Philippines, F. & A.M.
A. Mabini Chapter, Order of DeMolay, Manila, Philippines
Thomas Michael Sherry Priory, Order of Knighthood, Manila, Philippines

2009 FilCan Officers

During an Election held last October 5, 2008, the following were elected Board of Officers by the General Membership.

1. Bro. Keith Macdonald - President

2. Bro. Ervin Aspiras - Immediate Past President (ex-officio)

3. Bro. Charles Frankland - Secretary
4. Bro. Nathaniel de Guia - Treasurer

5. Bro. Derick Manaois Exec. - Vice President
6. Bro. Ramon San Juan - Vice President- East

7. Bro. Johnny P. Chua - Vice President- Central
8. Bro. Christopher Pabello - Vice President- West
9. Bro. Rolando Castaneda - Public Relation Officer
10. Bro. William Tan - Board Member

11. Bro. Rodante de Juan - Board Member
12. Bro. Napoleon Rosario - Board Member
13. Bro. James Ignacio - Board Member

Bro. Jim Milroy was elected to the position of Auditor by the new Board. While the following brethren were appointed by the new President:

Bro. Noli Sagadraca - General Counsel
Bro. Alberto Tan - Ambassador of Goodwill to Quebec
Bro. Sonny Wang - Ambassador of Goodwill to the Phil.

Photo collage above show Jun Sienes giving a short talk on
Preparing and Delivering a Speech.
Pictures below show Chris Pabello, Jim Milroy, Sonny Bautista, Charles Frankland, Jan Jansen, Nap Rosario and Mario Cruz.

FilCan Donates to GM Petrisor's Charity Project

In the October 2008 issue of the D.D.G.M. Communique published by the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Canada in the Province of Ontario, The Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother Allan J. Petrisor thanked the Officers and members of the Filipino-Canadian Cabletow for the donation they made to his Prostate Cancer Research Program in the total amount $2,600.

This may be viewed by following the link in the Toronto East District Website. See a preview below.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Karen Tan featured in Philippine Daily Inquirer

In the web online issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer dated October 20, 2008 Karen Tan, daughter of Bro. William Tan of Grenville Lodge No. 629, G.R.C. was featured. See clippings below...

JOSIE AND KAREN. Toronto's diva Josie de Leon (left) singing with Karen Tan (right) at the "Celebrate Music with Josie" concert at the Chinese Cultural Center in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. These two singers are considered musical treasures by Filipinos in Ontario.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Filipino-Canadian Cabletow Service Club, Inc.

Cable-Tow -
In Freemasonry, the restraint placed upon and exercised by Masons. It is the cord enclosing the tracing board of an Entered Apprentice, "having four tassels placed at the four angles, referring to the four cardinal virtues [prudence, fortitude, temperance, and justice] and their illustrative points, while the cable-tow is emblematic of the cord or bond of affection which ought to unite the whole fraternity (See Hosea, xi, 4): . . . 'I have drawn them with the bands of humanity, the cords of love' " (The Royal Masonic Cyclopedia, Mackenzie).

Hence the name, The Filipino-Canadian Cabletow Service Club, Inc., also known as "Cabletow". It is a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-religious organization composed of Masons who are members of various Lodges and affiliations and who are bound to the Masonic tenets of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

Its members are not only expected to render assistance to brethren who may be distressed by sickness or economic adversity but also to extend charity outside of the Masonic circle.

One of its primary goals is to raise funds to support various charity projects. Over the years the club has continuously launched fund raising activities to help those who are destitute.
To promote the bond of fellowship among its members and their families, the club annually hosts Summer picnic, Ladies Night and Christmas Party