Tuesday, June 23, 2009

FilCan Cabletow Brethren Attend ANCOM in the Philippines

Several members of the FilCan Cabletow brethren attended the 93rd Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines which was held on April 23-25, 2009 at Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines.

Newly Installed Grand Master, MW Peter Lim Lu Soy
(wearing top hat)
with Past Grand Masters and Grand Lodge Officers

Installation of Grand Master, MW Peter Lim Lu Soy

WBro. Nap Rosario with newly Installed Grand Master,
MW Peter Lim Lu Soy

Fellowship Night with more than 3,000 people in attendance

WBro. Ike Saab, Grand Master MW Peter Lim Lu Soy
and WBro. Nap Rosario

Taken during the opening day of the ANCOM.
Shown L-R are Bro. Ronel Manabat, W.Bro. Alex Lazaro,
MW Bro. Michael Setzer - Immediate Past Grand Master
of the Grand Lodge of Japan,
W.Bro. Chris Pabello and Bro. Ray Flores.

Brothers Chris Pabello & Ronel Manabat
(2nd & 3rd from right respectively)
enjoying a game of golf with Philippine brethren at
Del Monte Golf and Country Club in Bukidnon.
The brother 2nd from left is V.W. Bro. Patrick King a close friend
of Bro. Ervin Aspiras.